When we originally saw your site on the internet, we were blown away with your dogs, and when we learned that you had breeding plans and were to use Tseyang and Balu, we wanted a puppy, We would like to say a huge thank you for all your hard work rearing the puppies, also for your commitment to us with all the e-mails and photos you have sent us. We now have our beautiful Chi-Khan here in England and know we made the right decision by choosing you. Chi will join our girl in the show ring later in the year, for which we have great expectations.
Thank you once again.
Lots of love and appreciation.
Helen, John and Chi-Khan
- Helen & John Harrison
Coup de coeur pour vos dogues !
Bonjour. Je suis tombée par hasard sur votre site en cherchant des infos sur le dogue du tibet.
Vos chiens sont vraiment magnifiques. J'ai eu un énorme coup de coeur en contemplant vos gros nounours.
J'espère un jour avoir une grande maison pour accueillir un chiot venant de votre élevage.
Bonne continuation !
- Tobie Héloise
felicitation pour ton elevage tu as de tres beaux chiens et une tres belle portee acutelle je ne sais pas si tu te rappelle de moi loic de jardiland
voila encore feliciatations et peut etre a une expo
elevage des vignes du broca